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It pays to apply to siena. ready to make the big bucks?

Group of Siena students wearing green and yellow Siena gear and posing in the sunshine


GET THIS: Saints make a whopping $500,000+ more in lifetime earnings than public school grads. And why is that? We believe that a four-year degree means four years and you’re ready for success. We believe college should be accessible and affordable, and that students should be supported every step of the way. Here’s more on that.

Green and yellow tipped scale icon




Our interns and grads are in high demand. In fact, we’ve been named the #1 college in New York for getting a job (3 years in a row!) Why? Personal support and guidance from our high-impact professional mentors, and access to Siena’s unmatched alumni and career networks, among other reasons.

Public schools continue to underperform in terms of employment and salary vs. private schools.  


No teaching assistants here! Only professors who are experts who want to teach, and mentors who know your name, talents and goals. When they work on their own research, they love to get students involved—and they’re always willing to tap into their connections to help you open doors.

“This school is way too big and it is very hard to get to know all your teachers due to the size.” – Public school student review on


We guarantee you graduate in four years. Why’s that important? The sooner you graduate, the sooner you can start earning an income. There’s also a cost to delaying retirement savings by a year.

Getting into the classes you need is notoriously hard at public schools. So it’s no wonder that only just over half graduate in four years. More time spent in college = more tuition.


Don’t let our sticker price fool you!
 Once admitted, you’ll receive at least $57,000 in scholarships guaranteed, that don’t need to be paid back. 

And what’s more, private school students are less likely to default on their loans. And Siena’s default rate is lower than both the private and public school averages. 

At one local public school, only about 60% of students receive money they don’t need to pay back.

And that Excelsior Scholarship? Read the fine print: After you complete your degree, you must live in NY for the same number of years you received the scholarship.


At a school our size and with the industry connections Siena has forged, you’ll have no problem exploring the real world as soon as you’re ready.

Think internships, research projects, study abroad trips, community service and more.

“A presenter in one of the classes advises us ‘don’t expect internships, it takes up to 2 years to get one.” – Student review on


No need to seek out support services. Our team will come to you and match you up with whatever you need. On top of that, our various support services coordinate with each other on your behalf. Whether it’s academic help or mental health resources, we’ve got you.

“Some of the resources have been very frustrating to talk and facilitate with. The disability services and the health services have been very hard to communicate with and there has been a lot of miscommunication.” – Student review on

A couple of other reasons students choose Siena? You get to live on “One of America’s 50 Most Beautiful Campuses” according to Condé Nast. You can’t find our traditions, like the Blessing of the Brains, anywhere else. The homemade potato chips in Lonnstrom Dining Hall are out of this world. But most importantly, you’ll be surrounded by the friendliest staff, faculty and peers this side of the Hudson.

If you are accepted and fill out the FAFSA, you will receive at least $57,000 in scholarships toward your degree*

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We promise you’ll earn your degree in four years or we’ll pay for the rest

text graduate in 4 years

Access to Siena’s Signature Support Services

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The opportunity to work with an advisor to create a custom career experience—like an internship, entrepreneurship, research or service project, study abroad and more

text career experience


"Which one is right for you? Private vs Public" eBook cover thumbnail